Sunday, June 17, 2012

Coming Soon...

It makes me sad that I don't update this like I should. This is for me to look back and remember things that we did, and to keep so I can eventually show my kids. I am going to try to start writing once a week with what we did that week, and include pictures. But, there are some posts I need to catch up on first, so here is the post's I will be adding this week :)

- Baby Ayvree's Birth Story :)
-Fathers Day
-Our New Home
-Christmas 2011
-Paizlee's 2nd Birthday
-Family Pictures
-Grandpa Joe
-Update on life & jobs
-Zoo & Aquarium
I sure hope I can get my butt in gear and start documenting my girls lifes!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog :0) I totally understand the blog rut. I go through it about every six months.
