Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Day

Today was Paizlee's second Easter.
The Easter Bunny came and brought her lots of goodies.
She was so excited when she woke up, she ran to her things.

From the Easter Bunny

Messy Hair :)

I think her favorite part about Easter was finding the eggs. We hid them about 10 times today just because she enjoyed it so much.

She was so fast at getting them it was hard to take pictures.
And, don't mind her bed head :)

We went to my parents today. They gave Paizlee a kite, candy, pajamas, a stuffed animal, and my favorite, a recordable book. Me, Cory, my Grandparents, my Parents, and my little brother Bridger each read a page in it. I really like it. It is something that Paizlee can cherish forever.

Of course, Paizlee got spoiled. We sure do have an amazing family.
This is what she got his year...

Easter Bunny - Candy, outfit, stuffed animal, movie,lots of little toys
G-ma & G-pa Murdock - Big stuffed animal, kite, recordable book, pajamas, little toys candy
Great G-ma & G-pa Murdock - Candy, Easter balloon, outfit
Grandma Bonnie - Two outfits
Aunt Misty - Hair clips that change color in the sun
Grandma Cheryl - Rocking chair, blanket, pillow pet

Paizlee is getting so much fun. She is getting smarter every single day. She also loves being around our family. She gets so excited. And our family just adores her. This Easter was perfect!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I Love Him.


Easter Eggs...


Easter Eve

Today we celebrated Easter with my Grandma and Grandpa Murdock.
We always have so much going on every holiday, so they decided to do it the day before.
We had a yummy Easter dinner! We had ham, cheesy potatoes, rolls, fruit salad, shrimp salad, and chips and dip.
My Grandparents always do fun things for holidays.
This year they made little bags of goodies and money for the older grandkids.
And they gave Paizlee & Brenlee each a balloon, outfit, money, and a bag full of goodies.

They also had a little Easter egg hunt in their backyard. Brenlee is 3, so she was finding the eggs a lot faster then Paizlee was lol. It was still fun :)

Paizlee and Great Grandpa Murdock opening all her eggs she found

Brenlee opening her eggs :)

We are so grateful for our family and all the fun things we get to do together. Paizlee fell asleep on the way home she was so wore out. I can't wait for her to wake up and see what the Easter Bunny brought her.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cousin London

Today our cousin London came over to play with Paizlee.
Paizlee loves when people come over and visit. 
London wanted to sit at Paizlee's tea party table.
So we pulled the table out, got fruit snacks, popcorn, Capri Sun's, and put Shrek in.

Paizlee was excited lol

They were so good. I love when Paizlee gets to have her cousins come play with her.

P.S. Cory is shed hunting right now. He goes every single weekend. I honestly don't see what is so fun about it, but he loves it. So when I was uploading pictures to my laptop this morning, this is what I found..

I'm so lucky these are all over my basement.
Be jealous
[Totoal Exaggeration]

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Discovery Museum

Today while Cory was out shed hunting Paizlee and I went to The Discovery Museum in Salt Lake City with our Aunt Tiff and cousins Jayden and London.

On our way!
It was a lot of fun. They had a bunch of fun things for the kids to do. I think they're favorite was the "grocery store". They had little carts to push around, lots of pretend food, aprons, and cash registers.

I love this picture. Little shopper Paizlee checking out with cashier Jayden :)

There was a red truck that you could sit in, Paizlee likes to pretend she was steering.

There was also a IHC life flight helicopter that kids could sit in.

After The Treehouse we went to the food court in The Gateway and got some lunch. It was such a fun day and I was so happy that Paizlee and I got to spend some time with our cousins and aunt. Jayden and London are so cute, and such good kids. We sure do love them a lot.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Park, Parents, and Grandparents

Cory and I took Paizlee and my niece to the park the other day. It was a really nice day out, and we were getting cabin fever :) Paizlee's favorite part was the slides! I didn't get any pictures of her though, I was too busy helping and catching her at the end :)

Paizlee and her cousin Brenlee

After the park we went to dinner for Cory's Great Grandma's 97th Birthday. Paizlee loves being around people and had a blast. So did Bren :)

Me and Paizlee spend A LOT of time at my grandparents house. We go over there at least once a day. Paizlee is really close with both of them, and they just adore her. My grandparents are a HUGE part of my life. I feel so blessed that they get to have such a close relationship with my daughter. I have always been close with them growing up, but I think we have gotten even closer since I had Paizlee. If I ever have a problem, need to talk, or dont know what to do, I can call them and feel better in a heartbeat. I love my grandparents so much. And I am so blessed that me and Paizlee are able to have such a close relationship with them.

Great Grandpa Murdock and Paizlee
Okay, my Granparents have two little dogs, and they baby those dogs...a lot! Sometimes one of their dogs, Sadie, doesn't eat, so my Grandpa will hand feed her lol. So that is what they are doing right here.

Paizlee helping Great Grandma Murdock iron lol

Great Grandma Judy & Paizlee

Great Grandpa Murdock & Paizlee

Great Grandpa Murdock & Paizlee on her Birthday
We love them so much!

 I am also very grateful for my parents. My Dad is honestly the hardest working man I know, he NEVER puts himself before anyone else, he is always there to help with whatever I need, and he is such a good provider for his family. My Mom was a stay-at-home mom until I was about 15. She was my best friend during Jr. High and High School, and still isl. I would come home from school and tell her all about my day, she would help me pick out outfits for school, and I could talk to her about all my crush's in school :)
I am still close with both of them. And they are such cute grandparents to Paizlee and Brenlee. They spoil them for every holiday and Birthday, watch them whenever we need them to, and take them to do fun things.

Mom, Dad and Paizlee

Dad and Paizlee. Precious!

Dad, Mom, Paizlee, and Brenlee on Christmas Eve
We love my parents so much!

I say this a lot, but I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have the family I have, and Paizlee as my daughter. I would not trade my life for anything or anyone. It feels like I am living a dream everyday, to be able to care for and raise my daughter, and talk to and love my family each and every day. I am so blessed.