Sunday, February 20, 2011

Christmas and Paizlee's Birthday

Wow it has been a really long since I wrote in this blog, I kind of forgot about it! A lot has happened since then. Paizlee had her first Christmas and turned a year old. Exciting, but kind of sad. 

Sweet Paizlee on Christas Eve

My parents with their grandbabies, Brenlee and Paizlee, on Christmas Eve.

Of course, Paizlee got spoiled on Christmas! We are so grateful to have such amazing family members!

Her Kitchen

Some of her Christmas gifts!

Her face cracks me up :)

And then we had a Winter "ONE"derland Birthday party for her on her Birthday! All of our family members came and Paizlee really enjoyed it.

I am going to try and keep this updated more. I wanna be able to look back at all our wonderful memories. Life is perfect, and we are all so happy! On a sad note though, I had to take Paizlee to the Dr. today and they had to give her a steroid shot :( She has croup. So we went to Target after and bought her Toy Story 3 for being such a strong, brave girl!